Pola Pensee De Bouquet Body Shampoo Rouge 500ML
Pola Pensee De Bouquet Body Shampoo Rouge (500ml)
This body wash is infused with Arnica flower extract and Permeable Collagen which can gently cleanse and moisturize your skin with a romantic floral scent.
Product features:
• Infused with Arnica flower extract, this body wash can deeply nourish skin and boost its natural moisturizing power while improving dry and rough skin. Leaving skin hydrated and silky smooth.
• Contains Permeable Collagen that can boost the self generation of collagen, moisturize skin and retain moisture for a tight and supple complexion with less fine lines.
• Dense and rich foam can gently cleanses the dirt and impurities from your skin without dehydrating your skin.
• Formulated with a sweet and elegant floral fragrance, this body wash can provide a pleasant bathing time with a base note of rose.
• Arnica flower extract: nourishing, moisturizing and improving drynesses
• Permeable Collagen: boosting generation of collagen for supple skin